Yazmin Cruz

Mar 12

Are you scrolling on your phone too much?

This is for somebody! Actually, I'm pretty sure a LOT of people. Girl including me!

Do you also sometimes struggle with not putting your phone down? Consuming the emptiness of social media, scrolling and watching?

It’s empty because the brain skills it takes to scroll on social media is something a three year old, even a two year old can do. It's fantastic for them-children are becoming increasingly smarter at even younger ages these days. But what about you and I?

At least that’s how all this feels to me... the scrolling and consuming my phone screen as an activity that takes away hours of my everyday life.

During our walk with Christ, the Holy Spirit convicts of things so we can walk in our Christlikeness. Thank you Jesus! When you hear "fix it Jesus!" Well, in fact this right here is Jesus fixing it through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn't force, but he will nudge you! He will transform and renew your mind if you let him in.

As you walk in Christ, well, let me keep it real and personal (but this could be for you too!), as I'm walking in Christ, I am being convicted by the Holy Spirit that I'm spending too much time on worldly things. Things that are outside of Gods will and desires. Now Jesus himself made sure that everything that he did and spoke was aligning with God and for His Kingdom. Now back to the worldly things that I was mentioning- one of these things is the overconsumption of scrolling on social medias that I tend to have a habit of doing.

I’m saying no to more of my phone (I hope you are too) and I’m saying yes to committing to God. Prayer, fasting, reading the word, devotion, getting up early to give my first fruits of my day to Him. Just like He took His time for me from the billions of people in the world to save me from my darkest deepest moments in my teen life, willingly, and I didn’t even ask for it, He just did it for me. I'm committed to giving God my time of day in all the areas of it.

We should replace the time that we give up for the worldly things, to spend it wisely for God. That can look like a lot of different things depending on each of our lives. It could be more time in the Word, more time praying, fasting, giving our time to those in need, serving friends in their lack or if they're needing help in something, it could be serving in ministry, using our time for evangelizing, and so much more. But with all that being said, God will give you the vision and heart for where He needs you in your time spent for Him.

I would like to also say that God will take us through seasons to shed things off us (pruning!). He took me through a deep season in 2021 and shined light into my life to not watch TV very often. For months I was not watching TV at all, during this time God was preparing me for things that have come to pass and this is also continuing to prepare me for things to come. This was back in 2021 and to this day I barely watch TV but I'm still being pruned in various other ways and getting preparation for what God is going to do.

God has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. It’s time that we all look up and listen to it. That deepest longing in your heart that might have even gotten tucked away beneath all of the requests the world tells us we need to do in order to “live”. But really, that’s leading us to death. The good news is, everything that has to do with Jesus leads us to the eternal life. Let’s follow Jesus into just that!

Now, after all this is said I wanted to answer a question you might have. Is this for everybody (regarding lessening your time watching TV and scrolling on your phone)? I'd love to answer this for you! That answer is no, it's not for everybody! The Holy Spirit will convict us of what we each need individually and at Gods perfect timing for each of us. But if the Holy Spirit has convicted you of this previously, now or in does in the future, that is your perfect timing to give up the things that you're being convicted of.

I pray that you look up and listen and seek the Lord. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8. The Lord will always lead you into the right direction, the eternal life. Amen.

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Comment on this blog post what your soul is longing for with Christ or needs a refreshing from God for! #leaveacommentsis
